User Management
How to delete a user in SEOTesting
To delete a user from your SEOTesting account, follow the steps in this guide. Step 1 - Go to 'Account' Click on the 'Account' tab on the left-side menu. Step 2 - Go to 'User management' Click on the 'User management' tab. Step 3 - Select the user to delete Click on the emailSome readersHow to make a user an account admin
This guide will help you make a user and SEOTesting account admin. Attention: An account admin has complete access to the account, including billing, adding and deleting sites, adding and deleting users, and granting permission to themselves to other sites in the account. Step 1 - Go to Account Click on the 'Account' tab on the left-side menu. Step 2 - Go to 'User management'Few readersHow to add a new user
This guide will help you add new users to your SEOTesting account. Step 1 - Go to Account Click on the 'Account' tab on the left-side menu. Step 2 - Go to 'User management' Click on the 'User management' tab. Step 3 - Click 'Add a new user' Click the 'Add a new user' button.Few readers
Site Management
How to delete a site on SEOTesting
This guide will help you delete a site from the SEOTesting app. Step 1 - Go to Account Click on the 'Account' tab on the left-side menu. Step 2 - Go to 'Site Management' Go to the 'Site Management' tab. Step 3 - Select the site Click on the site name you wiSome readersHow to add a new site
This guide will help you add a new site to your SEOTesting account. Step 1 - Click the 'Add a New Website' button From the Launchpad, click the 'Add new Website' button or use the property drop-down switcher. Add a New Website options Step 2 - Enter the site URL Enter the website’s canonical URL (considering HTTPS and www oSome readers
Downloading a copy of your invoices
Log in to SEOTesting and click on the ‘Account’ option from the left-hand menu. Under the Account Management heading, select the 2nd option ‘Click here to change payment card, download invoices or cancel your subscription’. You'll only see this link if you are an Account Admin in SEOTesting. Under the ‘Invoice History’ section at the bottom of the page, click on the invoice you wish to download from the list. A new window will open up, which will offer you the option to view or download theSome readersChanging your payment card
Log in to SEOTesting and click on the ‘Account’ option from the left-hand menu. Under the Account Management heading, select the 2nd option ‘Click here to change payment card, download invoices or cancel your subscription’. You'll only see this link if you are an Account Admin in SEOTesting. ( readersAmending your billing address
Log in to SEOTesting and click on the ‘Account’ option from the left-hand menu. Under the Account Management heading, select the 2nd option ‘Click here to change payment card, download invoices or cancel your subscription’. You'll only see this link if you are an Account Admin in SEOTesting. ( readersDowngrading your subscription
Please contact us at to downgrade your subscription at any time.Few readersCancelling your subscription
Log in to SEOTesting and click on the ‘Account’ option from the left-hand menu. Under the Account Management header, select the 2nd option ‘Click here to change payment card, download invoices or cancel your subscription’. You need to be an Account Admin within SEOTesting forFew readersUpgrading your subscription
You can either contact us at to upgrade your subscription, or log in to SEOTesting and click on the ‘Account’ option from the left-hand menu. Under the Account Management heading, select the 1st option ‘Please click here to subscribe or upgrade your plan’. ( readersAdding a Tax ID number to your invoice
Please contact with the Tax ID number you wish to add to future invoices. We will add this for you.Few readersChanging your subscription to an annual plan
Please contact us at to move to an annual plan with us.Few readers
SEOTesting email alerts
This guide will explain what email alerts SEOTesting sends and how you can manage them. Here's a global summary of the email alerts our app sends: Daily Updates SEO tests Content Groups Reports Daily Updates The Daily Update email is a daily email summarizing your website's stats. It is sent whenever SEOTesting gets new data from Google Search Console. It includes the total clicks, impressions, average position, and CTR for the day reported. This email also breaks down your recenFew readersData Storage
SEOTesting is not a Search Console archiving tool. Most of the reports within the tool use the Search Console API at runtime to request and display data. The places within the tool where we store limited data is: Overall site performance for the dashboard SEO tests Specific reports that are requested Top Query Per Page Report We store each query + URL as it is discovered (without any historical or future data) Content Quality Report Keyword Cannibalization Report ContentFew readers